The power of a Friend’s group is its members. Our mission is to bring together the public and a thriving wildlife refuge valued by all. We represent a variety of interests, talents and financial support allowing the Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge to meet its mission and goals.
Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge is a nonprofit organization and all memberships and donations may be tax deductible. Members receive “Prairie Wind”, the quarterly Friends newsletter, a 10% discount on purchased in the Prairie Point Nature Store, and invitations to member events.
The Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge was founded in 1993 as a self-sustaining 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
An all-volunteer group, led by local citizens, the Friends of NSNWR promote public awareness of the refuge and participation in the learning and growing that occurs every day. We also provide for projects beyond the reach of federally appropriated dollars and augment educational programs offered to the community.
The Friends support the overarching goals of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in their quest to reconstruct a part of Iowa’s long lost prairie ecosystem.
With the partnership that exists between the Friends and the USFWS staff, greater opportunities are created for enhanced learning about the inherent value of wild lands.
Internships are an integral part of the work accomplished at the refuge and are a cornerstone of our support. The Friends provide funds that enable students to engage in biology research, invasive species control, fire management and visitor services. Their energy and passion greatly enhance the restoration and research carried out by the refuge staff.
As a member of the Friends , you can be an important part of this grand undertaking to restore what’s been lost.