Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

The Spring Fling membership meeting is March 15!
You're invited to join fellow Friends of Neal Smith on Saturday, March 15 for a free event celebrating the wonderful things that grow from your support for the Refuge.

A soup and chili lunch will be provided, you'll receive updates on recent and upcoming activities, and hear a presentation about the Iowa Bumble Bee Atlas by Stephanie Shepherd with the Department of Natural Resources.

Spring Fling

Saturday, March 15 from 11:30am to 2:00pm
Prairie City Community Building*
503 S State St, Prairie City, IA 50228

*Note that this is a different venue than previous years due to the Visitor Center's current closure.

Your RSVP would be appreciated by March 12th. Please use this link to register yourself and any guests. We hope to see you there.

Go to the official Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge website. NSNWR was established in 1990 with the purpose to protect, restore and reconstruct and manage native ecosystems of tallgrass prairie, oak savanna and sedge meadow.

The power of a Friends group is its members. Become a member today to support projects that benefit both wildlife and people at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge.

Friend’s volunteers are a vital part to accomplishing our mission and projects at Neal Smith NWR. We welcome volunteers of all talents, ages and backgrounds. Learn how you can volunteer today.

News and Events

Do you have a passion for conservation, ecological restoration, or land stewardship? The Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge are sponsoring several biology internships for the 2025 field season.
See more information and application instructions.

Field Notes
Check out the notes from the interns on the important work they are doing at the Refuge. Find explanations of their work and why it is vital to the sustainability of the Refuge.

Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (NSNWR) Scholarship
Do You Know a Graduating High School Senior That Loves Nature and Will Be Going to College to Study Environmental Science or Conservation? That student may be eligible for the Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (NSNWR) Scholarship.
See more information and application
Application deadline is April 18, 2025

The Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Nature Store is closed in the Visitor Center which is also closed due to the extensive storm damage in July. While the The Friends is exploring options, currently the Nature Store does not have a home. Watch this site and the Friends Facebook page for updates on the Nature Store.